A Hint Guide by James Dingle

May 9, 2009

Dearest reader:

The Equivocal Ingredient is a challenging puzzle game, not easily mastered or solved in a single session. It is not suitable for inexperienced interactive fiction players or those seeking a casual story. I have designed the game to be difficult. Why? Although I admire and respect the increasingly literary and artistic trends of interactive fiction, as of late I have found myself craving the peculiar and often dastardly puzzle design of the text adventures of my youth. Solving these adventures left me with a sense of pride and accomplishment that I hope to replicate in my story. 

As such, I recognize that the Equivocal Ingredient may not appeal to a large audience. To those who do undertake the challenge, I wish you the very best. Inevitably moments will come when even a resourceful player may be stuck, perhaps even frustrated by this text, and I would like to encourage such a player to keep exploring different avenues and not to consult the material below.

Finally, the all too familiar warning that the following information will irrevocably dilute the playing experience. It is with great hesitation that I even include such information at all. The greatest joys I have ever felt playing interactive fiction come from bitterly fighting a puzzle for hours and finally, unexpectedly, finding a solution. Such pleasure cannot come from reading a walkthrough. Nonetheless, the following hints are provided for the hopelessly downtrodden player or outside observer.

Thank you for your interest.


*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** HINTS ARE PROVIDED BELOW *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


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Help! I keep getting fired at 8:32 AM. What's going on?


First hint:     Why is the school principal mad?

Second hint:      Where is the school principal at 8:32?

Solution : As the substitute teacher, you are expected to be in the kindergarten whenever Miss Minchin deigns to visit. The message "Miss Minchin wonders where you are" means Miss Minchin is currently in the kindergarten. You have two turns to return to the kindergarten before you are fired.

The first time Miss Minchin visits the kindergarten is at 8:27 AM (23 turns into the game). She will keep a close eye on you all game long. It is only possible to deduce Miss Minchin's fiendish (but consistent) schedule through repeated play and careful observation. 


How can I keep from getting fired at 9:51 AM?


First hint: Have you been exploring the school?

Second hint: Perhaps someone else has this problem?

Third hint:   Watch another teacher carefully.

Solution:  When you first visit the first grade classroom, Angie controls Scott's outlandish behavior by speaking to him. Mimic this language with your problem student. Angie provides another example of how to calm students after you ask her a third question and yet another example should you ask her a fourteenth question.

I tried that solution, it didn't work!

Addendum hint for solution:  The student isn't fully paying attention to you because you're not quite following Angie's lead.

Addendum hint 2 for solution:  The student won't listen to your command unless you address them by his//her name.

Second Solution: To discover a student's name, try asking the student. Or take attendance with the paper. Or ask Ms Hsu (before she leaves) about the student. Or befriend the student (more about that later).

Third Solution: Alternatively, calm your problem student by giving them milk.

I tried the third solution, it didn't work!

Addendum hint for third solution:  Was the milk soothing?

Addendum hint 2 for third solution:  The milk must be warmed in the microwave in order to become a calming drink for the student.

Random note: There are 74 unique ways to be fired by Miss Minchin.


How can I prevent the uprising of students beyond my control?


First hint:   Try looking at the class before unspeakable chaos ensues.

Second hint:  What could possibly entertain a bored student?

Solution:   Students will become bored throughout the course of the day. It will be a constant battle to make sure the number of bored students does not reach a critical mass. You must be vigilant; if too many students (initially five, more about this later) become bored, they will uprise when you are in the kindergarten. There are dozens of ways to entertain bored students; try discovering ways to relieve boredom on your own. If you are too stuck, please see appendix B.

But this prevents me from going anywhere!

Second Solution:  It is quite likely that a critical mass of students will become bored if you are away from the kindergarten for a long period length of time. They will uprise instantly when you enter the classroom - ending the game - unless you enter with an especially interesting item. There are many such powerful items, but they are hard to come by and often dangerous to the player. Each especially interesting item will only prevent an uprising once per game.


How do I prevent the children from singing?


First hint:  See the second hint.

Second hint:     See the solution.

Solution: You can't.

Addendum hint for solution: There's no way to stop them.


Appendix A - to be read only when instructed to by a hint.


There is no appendix A. Interesting.

First hint:

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.

Second hint:

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.

Third hint: 

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.

This space is just to give the appearance of detail.


Appendix B - to be read only when instructed to by a hint.


First hint: How to entertain a bored student? Multiple items in the front of kindergarten classroom can be given to relieve boredom.

Second hint: Also multiple items in the back of kindergarten classroom.

Third hint: Also multiple items in the first grade classroom.

Fourth hint: Also an item in the front of parking lot.

Fifth hint: Also multiple items in the cafeteria. 

Sixth hint: Also one or more item(s) in front of playground.

Seventh hint: Also an item in the deep forest.

Eighth hint: Also an item in the back of playground.

Ninth hint: ...and other places as well! Sometimes objects will only be useful in certain circumstances.


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How do I get on the roof?


First hint: You can't.

Second hint: You can't.

Third hint: You can't.

Fourth hint: You can't.

Fifth hint: You can't.

Sixth hint: You can't.

Seventh hint: You can't.

Eighth hint: You can't.

But I keep falling off!

Ninth hint: You can't.

Tenth hint: You can't.

Eleventh hint: You can't.

Twelfth hint: You can't.

Thirteenth hint: You can't.

Solution : You can't get on the roof.

Addendum hint for solution:  You can't get on the roof.

Addendum hint 2 for solution: You can't get on the roof.

Addendum hint 3 for solution: You can't get on the roof.

Addendum hint 4 for solution: You can't get on the roof.


How do I open the trapdoor?


First hint:     Have you given the spider to the janitor?

Second hint: Look at the janitor's pants.

Third hint:     See the solution.

Solution:  There is no trapdoor. Or janitor.


How do I open the locked door?


First hint:  Have you seen the key?

Second hint:  Carefully watch Ms Hsu in the school lobby.

Third hint: But this is just a tease. You can't take the key from her. You'll have to unlock the door another way.

Fourth hint: Have you tried asking the teachers about the key?

Fifth hint: Have you ever locked the door yourself?

Sixth hint: Look at the back of the door before Ms Hsu opens it. This will show you how to lock the door.

So what? How does the fifth/sixth hint help me open the locked door? I'm still stuck.

Seventh hint: Try locking the door right after Miss Minchin leaves the kindergarten in Act Morning and waiting for a long time.

Okay, I see how the door could be unlocked. But how does this help me open the locked door in Act Recess?

Eighth hint: If someone could open the door once, they could open it again.

Ninth hint: Someone in the room could open the door.

Tenth hint: If someone stayed in the room during recess, that person could open the door from the inside.

Eleventh hint: A student could skip recess and open the door for you.

Twelfth hint: A student hidden somewhere.

Thirteenth hint:   A student lured somewhere large.

Solution: Put a gold star in the closet. Once the student is inside the closet, close the door.

What if that solution gets me fired?

Addendum hint for solution:   If Miss Minchin hears the student in the closet, she'll fire you.

Addendum hint 2 for solution: Don't put the student in the closet too early. Wait until her recess visit is nearly upon you.

I tried that solution, it only gets me fired outside!

Addendum hint 3 for solution: Why does Miss Minchin fire you at recess?

Addendum hint 4: You'll have to make sure her head count is not less than 10.

Addendum hint 5: Does the name Billy mean anything to you?

Addendum hint 6: Be a little more chummy with your fellow teachers.

Addendum hint 7: Try visiting Angie's room again.

Addendum hint 8: Try visiting Angie's room yet again.

Addendum hint 9: Visit Angie's room three times during the same game.

Second Solution: To make sure Miss Minchin's head count stays at 10, Billy must take the place of the student hiding in the closet. Angie will hand Billy off to you when you visit her room a third time. 


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How do I prevent getting fired for poor teaching?


First hint: When Miss Minchin visits the room, she asks the students for information.

Second hint: Do students like you?

Solution: Two befriended students must speak up in your defense. 

Addendum hint 1: There are dozens of ways to befriend students.Try to figure out how to befriend students on your own. If you cannot, see appendix C.

First hint for second solution:  There is one alternate way to impress Miss Minchin by yourself.

Second hint for second solution: Materially prove your teaching methods.

Third hint for second solution: Try looking at the portrait in her office.

First hint for second solution: Give her something that mirrors her tastes.

Second Solution: Give Miss Minchin the Financial History of Switzerland.


How do I open the locked desk?


First hint: You have to wait until Miss Minchin is busy.

Second hint: Actually, you can't open the locked desk.

Third hint: You can't open the locked desk.

Solution: You can't open the locked desk.

Addendum hint 1: You can't open the locked desk.

First hint for second solution:  You can't open the locked desk.

Second hint for second solution: You can't open the locked desk.

Third hint for second solution: You can't open the locked desk.


How do I prevent the uprising of students during observation?


First hint: Students will quickly become bored with Miss Minchin present. You must prepare beforehand.

Second hint: You have a unique opportunity during the afternoon.

Third hint: Watch Miss Minchin after she leaves the room during her first afternoon visit.

Fourth hint: There are two strategies to solve this uprising. One solution can be found in the Oratorium. Skip the remaining hints for this question and follow appendix D if you're stuck trying the Oratorium solution. 

Fifth hint: The second way to solve the final puzzle is in Miss Minchin's office. 

Sixth hint: Thoroughly search Miss Minchin's office.

Seventh hint: It's not the pearl earring.

Eighth hint: Try looking behind something.

Ninth hint: Turn the thermostat. It's time for some heat.

Tenth hint: You started the process, but you'll have to kick start it somewhere else.

Eleventh hint: The boiler overloaded the creaky school's infrastructure.

Twelfth hint: You need to reset something.

Thirteenth hint: Near the cafeteria.

Fourteenth hint: In the hallway outside the cafeteria.

Fifteenth hint: Try experimenting with the plaque.

Okay, I've finally gotten hint 9 in operation. I still don't see how that helps.

Sixteenth hint: With the added heat, something will be more effective.

Seventeenth hint: The students will be more receptive with the heat on.

Eighteenth hint: Try the library.

Nineteenth hint: With the heat working, a book will work wonders.

Solution: After turning on the heat, read to the class while sitting in the reading area. Continue reading until the class falls completely asleep, time this so it happens shortly before Miss Minchin comes into the classroom for her observation. Students will solidly sleep throughout most of the remaining day. When they awaken, it is possible to hold off the onslaught of boredom (if you have previously stockpiled enough useful objects) until the end of the day.

What if the students still uprise?

Addendum hint 1: Five students will become bored soon after waking up from the book slumber. This is game ending unless the students have increased respect for you.

Addendum hint 2: You must earn the respect of students earlier in the game by bringing them an object of great interest. 

Addendum hint 3 : There are three objects of great interest.. If you ever bring the students one of these three, they will permanently gain respect for you. This will increase the number of bored students needed to uprise by 1, allowing you to have 5 bored students and stay in the game. This will allow enough wiggle room for the above solution to work.

Addendum hint 4: Try to find one of the objects. If you are still stuck, they are described in Appendix E.


How do I open the locker?


First hint: You don't need any object to open the locker.

Second hint: The means to open the locker is close by.

Third hint: Search the locker carefully.

Fourth hint: Try looking around the locker.

Solution: Look over the locker. 


How do I use the photocopier?


First hint: You need the code.

Second hint: Have you asked for it?

Third hint: Nathan won't tell you the code unless the children refrain from singing.

Fourth hint: Nathan won't help you here.

Fifth hint: What does Ms Hsu say at the beginning of the game?

Solution: Ask Angie for the code.


Appendix C - to be read only when instructed to by a hint.


Solution: Repeated acts of kindness to a student will eventually befriend the student. (The easiest way is to give a student 3 gold stars).  In general, the more entertaining you are to a student, the better your odds of befriending the student. Acts of cruelty to a student will make befriending much harder. 


Appendix D - to be read only when instructed to by a hint.


First hint: Don't bother drinking anything.

Second hint: But you will need the bottles.

Third hint: You need to use the bottles somewhere outside the Oratorium.

Fourth hint: Not in the kindergarten either.

Fifth hint: It's the liquid you're after.

Sixth hint: The liquid needs to be moved.

Seventh hint: Somewhere inside.

Eighth hint: Not the first grade or second grade classroom.

Ninth hint: Not any hallway.

Tenth hint: In the cafeteria.

Solution: Pour all the bottles into the juice dispenser.

How does the solution help me?

Addendum hint 1: Once all the bottles are mixed together, they turn into something you want.

Addendum hint 2: Take the sludge.

Addendum hint 3: You can't take it with your hands, you'll have to use something else.

Addendum hint 4: Take the sludge in something.

Addendum hint 5: Something from the kindergarten.

Solution two: Take the sludge with the wastebasket. Bring it to the kindergarten shortly before Miss Minchin enters. When the reaction ends, it is possible to hold off the onslaught of boredom (if you have previously stockpiled enough useful objects) until the end of the day.


What if the students still uprise?

Addendum hint 1: You must earn the respect of students earlier in the game by bringing them an object of great interest. 

Addendum hint 2 : There are three objects of great interest.. If you ever bring the students one of these three, they will permanently gain respect for you. This will increase the number of bored students needed to uprise by 1, allowing you to have 5 bored students and stay in the game. This will allow enough wiggle room for the above solution to work.

Addendum hint 3: Try to find one of the objects. If you are still stuck, they are described in Appendix E.


Appendix E - to be read only when instructed to by a hint.


First hint:  The first object of great interest is something heavy.

Second hint:  Something outside.

Third hint: The contemplative bench.

Fourth hint: You'll need to bring it to the classroom.

Fifth hint: Through the back door.

Sixth hint: The back door's got to be open.

Seventh hint: Carefully examine doors.

Eighth hint: One door won't close. Why?

Solution: Take the doorstop from the library door and use it under the back door. Bring the bench into the classroom.

First hint for second solution: The second object of great interest is inside.

Second hint for second solution: In a classroom.

Third hint for second solution: In the second grade classroom.

Fourth hint for second solution: The second object of great interest is the paper mache snake.

Fifth hint for second solution: There's only one way to bypass Stephen.

Sixth hint for second solution: He'll always stop you from taking the snake, if he's able.

Seventh hint for second solution: Perhaps you could take the snake by stealth?

Eighth hint for second solution: Stephen will always stop you if he can see you.

Ninth hint for second solution: You'll need to carefully search a hallway.

Tenth hint for second solution: The hallway outside the cafeteria.

Eleventh hint for second solution: Try the plaque.

Second Solution: Pull the left breaker to cause a blackout. Grab the snake in the dark.

But I can't get in that room!

Addendum hint 1 for second solution: The second grade door has to be open.

Addendum hint 2 for second solution: You can't open it in the dark.

Addendum hint 3 for second solution: Carefully examine doors.

Addendum hint 4 for second solution: One door won't close. Why?

Addendum hint 5 for second solution: Take the doorstop from the library door and use it under the second grade door. Bring the snake into the classroom.

First hint for third solution: The third object is left a mystery for the player to solve.

Second hint for third solution: It involves very specific timing soon after the game begins.

Third hint for third solution: And an animal.

Fourth hint for third solution: And that's not all.

The third solution is not given. 

G O O D      L U C K             A N D              H A V E       F U N                        

-- James